Sunday, August 3, 2008

Church Double Dippin

So I have come to the realization that there are many people who attend different churches. I believe that there a few categories that people fit into and I would like to know your thoughts. Maybe some situations are more acceptable than others but maybe God doesn't really care if you attend one church, two churches, or no church ..... I know people have BIG feelings on this. lets bloggercon about it... ("Bloggercon" is a new word I have invented to iterate the meaning of conversing through blogging: blog(ger) + con(versation).

*Church Pastors/Directors and all peoples of ministry ..... Sometimes it's hard to sit still and focus at the church you work at, even when your "not working". What do you think? Is it ok to be fully committed to one church with ministry/work while going to another church, say at a night service, just to sit and BE? Or does this then raise the question that wherever you are getting "fed" you should be serving. Then we are back to sitting at the church where you serve. What do people mean when they say "fed"at church anyways (thats a weird christianism term). So should we stick to where we work or is it ok to go and tast a bit of another church?

*Sojourners: This was one of my vocab words my junior year of high school. If i remember correctly it means something like "to be one who travels". So people I would put in this category are those who are seeking a new church and simply tasting different flavors to see which one suits them best. It's valid that all churches offer different styles and traditions and hopefully unite on the gospel. I think these people are golden; they can see what fits them best and then settle. Wait, now I feel like I'm talking about trying on and buying a pair of pants... but I think you know what I mean.

*Hip Hop Pop Church : My mind goes to Dr. Seuess's "Hop on Pop" but I'm talking more about Hopping on board with the newest, coolest church. I think we could also include conferences and seminars along with this. I get so passionate when people dub a church "a fad church". It is so degrading to the church and its efforts; I'm pretty sure churches are simply trying to be culturally relevant to impact people for the glory or God not just be a really cool place to get all the hottest christians in one building. But here is what bothers me most .... people who switch back and forth with a church's ups and downs... At one church one day and then visiting the cool one the next. Or when they hear that such and such will be speaking or Mr."amazing voice plus it doesn't hurt that he's hot" worship leader will be playing. I think in this case people need to settle and stop making christian celebrities out of people who are hopefully genuinely seeking and following the Lord. But I am not exempt form this at all ... I AM THIS GIRL. Maybe there are levels of double dipping ... like it's ok to do it once in a while for a conference or seminar but more that three times a tear is too much.

So these are just some of my thoughts. I think I may be trying to hard to be creative or funny but, alas, I am still working out the kinks of my writing personality while tryign to be genuine. My heart does question this though .... I know that this conversation can boil down to a matter of the heart; this i firmly believe. But practically speaking, what are your thoughts?

Thanks blogging world.
"Trying to be less like a porcupine"

PS: I just read the "Holy Quotes" blog on and decided that I would come up with my own for tonight's blog... so there it is.
Here is a photo to go with it .....


JxE said...

Ah, thank you for mentioning that stuffchristianslike blog, I was going to check it out today, but I completely forgot the name!

The concept of church has definitely evolved a lot from what it was in the New Testament. Each denomination has different ways of worshiping God and different views on non crucial theology. As C.S. Lewis puts it, denominations are all in different rooms in the same house. As long as they keep the house rules they are welcome to stay. So what does this mean for us as members of those churches?

We've all been created differently and we worship in different ways. The state of a person's heart is the underlying thing that will show what's right and what's wrong. If going to two churches is most effective in aiding your worship to God, then by all means, go to two churches. But if you're just looking at the drive-thru church menu picking out exactly what you want from a church so you can be in a happy place, then your heart definitely isn't right. To an extent, church should make you feel uncomfortable and if you're shopping for a church to be comfortable and happy in then it's a problem.

As for the whole fad church thing, I've noticed that a lot of churches can get stuck in tradition and ritual and they limit the amount God can do there. If a fad church is a church that people are flocking to, they're being impacted and God is moving in that church then why aren't more Christians there too?

Modern day culture is dynamic, throughout the Bible, Paul often references the culture of the area he's in to communicate the message of the gospel. Jesus also created parables that changed depending on the people he was talking to. We need to present the gospel message in a way that makes sense to people today and if a traditional church can't do that they often die spiritually because another church has filled that gap. But I also agree that this has lead to idolization of certain people.

I would encourage someone to just do what will push them to become more like Jesus, even if it means having to make new friends or join a new church family. Don't be afraid to be uncomfortable.

Wow this was long, anyways, if you made it this far please give some input on your opinions.

Mastering Divinity said...

As long as the American church places so much emphasis on individual emotional responses to God and ignores unity in community and daily being sanctified we will never be a church as God intended us to be.