You just need to watch this....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sawed the House in 1/2 to Make Divorce Settlement Easier

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - A couple in rural Cambodia has terminated their 18-year marriage with a divorce settlement that entailed sawing in two the wooden house they once shared, villagers said Friday. The husband, 42-year-old Moeun Sarim, has taken away with him all the bits and pieces of his half a house, said his 35-year-old wife, Vat Navy.
"Very strange, but this is what my husband wanted," she said by phone from a village about 62 miles east of Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh. She said they ended their marriage last month.
"He brought his relatives and used saws to cut the house in half," she said, adding that she now owns the other half that is still standing. The house is made from wood with a tile roof and propped up on wooden pillars, a typical style for a Cambodian country home.
She said her estranged husband and his relatives, after ripping apart half of the house, carried all the debris to his parents' house nearby.
She said the divorce was prompted by her husband's jealousy about her alleged relationship with a policeman in the village. She denied having an extramarital affair.
"He wanted a divorce, and I said, `Let's divorce,'" she said.
The husband could not be reached for comment.
Bou Bout, a village chief, said local officials and police were present as witnesses the day the couple split their 20-by-24 1/2 foot house into half.
"Local officials tried three times to get them to mend their differences, but the husband would not budge," Bou Bout said by phone.
Stopped for a chat with the masked men....
Today I decided to run form my apartment to my parent's house ... besides it being a much longer run than i had originally planned, I got to have a chat with some anti-church of scientology guys. I was running and stopped to ask them some questions.
They wore mask much like in the movie V for Vendetta. I asked if they had personally been hurt by the Church of Scientology and they said no but they had many friends who had been. I asked if they had any religious affiliation and one of the guys, a Senior at Foothill, said he was Mormon most of the time. The other gentleman was a freshman at Chapman University said he had grown up Christian but had beliefs of his own. Other than that I asked if they had ever gotten in trouble with the church and they said only once the cops have been called on them.
The guys remained masked while they talked to me and seemed not super energetic. But here they were, about 18 years old on a Friday night holding signs on the corner of Redhill and Irvine protesting this church. I'm impressed that they would have such strong convictions and would spend their time actually doing something about it. But I think if i saw them again I would like to ask them some more questions about their solution to the Church of Scientology or what these people should do if they leave this church.... maybe they should join "Mormon most of the time" or "tailored Christian beliefs". I would also ask what they tell Scientologists in order to make them leave. Just some thoughts.
I'm glad I stopped. Maybe it doesn't matter really matter what "it" is except that your standing up for something.
They wore mask much like in the movie V for Vendetta. I asked if they had personally been hurt by the Church of Scientology and they said no but they had many friends who had been. I asked if they had any religious affiliation and one of the guys, a Senior at Foothill, said he was Mormon most of the time. The other gentleman was a freshman at Chapman University said he had grown up Christian but had beliefs of his own. Other than that I asked if they had ever gotten in trouble with the church and they said only once the cops have been called on them.
The guys remained masked while they talked to me and seemed not super energetic. But here they were, about 18 years old on a Friday night holding signs on the corner of Redhill and Irvine protesting this church. I'm impressed that they would have such strong convictions and would spend their time actually doing something about it. But I think if i saw them again I would like to ask them some more questions about their solution to the Church of Scientology or what these people should do if they leave this church.... maybe they should join "Mormon most of the time" or "tailored Christian beliefs". I would also ask what they tell Scientologists in order to make them leave. Just some thoughts.
I'm glad I stopped. Maybe it doesn't matter really matter what "it" is except that your standing up for something.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Day Zero Photos!!!
Day Zero was a success! Thanks to all who gave their time, money, and endless energy to make it happen! Check out the photos on .... Get Ready for November 7th ...... We're gonna do it all AGAIN!!!!!
A Few of My Favorite Things...
I love....
-Chocolate Lava cakes form Trader Joe's
-Curling up on the couch with a book when its raining outside
-Fall, my favorite season of all
-Making up the words to songs when i forge the real ones
-Frozen grapes
-Sleeping on the ground
-Squishing things between my fingers and toes
-Playing games
-String cheese
-Mint chip ice cream
-Having people over
-Dressing up
-Talking to my guinea pig, Pearl and my fish, Deborah
-Swimming, skipping, running, jumping
-Adventures, as long as I don't get lost
-Schedules and lists
-Chocolate Lava cakes form Trader Joe's
-Curling up on the couch with a book when its raining outside
-Fall, my favorite season of all
-Making up the words to songs when i forge the real ones
-Frozen grapes
-Sleeping on the ground
-Squishing things between my fingers and toes
-Playing games
-String cheese
-Mint chip ice cream
-Having people over
-Dressing up
-Talking to my guinea pig, Pearl and my fish, Deborah
-Swimming, skipping, running, jumping
-Adventures, as long as I don't get lost
-Schedules and lists
I am Norman

"Sidney & Norman, A Tale of Two Pigs" by Phil Vischer (Creator of Veggie Tales)
I was at our bookstore today looking for a book to get for my cousin for her first birthday. I thought it would be neat to start the tradition to get her a book each year with a note written in each one. I came across this book in the kids section and I love it.... sometimes I just need to be reminded.
"The pig on the right was Norman. He was very a very good pig. Rules and hard work came easily to him, and it showed. His house was neat and organized. He always looked his very best. He gave money to the "needy", and never missed church on Sunday. Norman's teachers liked him when he was young, and his boss at work liked him now that he was all grown-up. he was pretty sure God liked him, too. After all, he was a very good pig. Norman figured that everyone could be as good as he was, if they'd just try a little harder. He wondered why they didn't....
Norman received a note reading: "Dear Norman, I would like you to come visit me...I have something to tell you. Sincerely, God."
Norman found the address and walked inside. God walked around the desk and smiled at the puffed-up pig. "I'm glad you could make it, i have a few things to tell you."
"First of all, I love you." Norman smiled, though he wasn't surprised. "Secondly, your goodness is not the reason I love you." Norman startled a little. What a curious thing for God to say. "Thirdly, you're not as good as you have led yourself to believe. You're prideful. you're selfish. You look down on others, simply because things don't come as easily for them." God looked a little sad now. "I love them as much as I love you. Don't look down on those I love." "That is what I needed to tell you"
"Out of Solitude" by Henri Nouwen
"In solitude, we can slowly unmask the illusion of our possessiveness and discover in the center of our own self that we are not what we can conquer, but what is given to us . In solitude we can listen to the voice of him who spoke to us before we could speak to a word, who healed us before we could make any gesture to help, who set us free long before we could free others, and who loved us long before we could give love to anyone. It is in this solitude that we discover that being is more important than having, and that we are worth more than the results of our efforts. In solitude we discover that our life is not a possession to be defended, but a gift to be shared. It's there we realize the healing words we speak are not just our own, but are given to us; that the love we can express is a part of greater love; and that the new life we bring forth is not a property to cling to, but a gift to be recieved. In solitude we become aware that our worth is not our usefulness."
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