Monday, July 14, 2008


Dear Blogging World,

I have decided to share a vary important part of my life with you .... my guinea pig Pearl. She appeared one calm night in the midst of my room with note attached pleading for me to take her home. My father had warned me that if I did in fact get a guinea pig he would make it his BBQ snack. But what could a girl do? So I have Pearl and I just bought her a play pen to attach to her cage so she can have more running space. I must admit that I may have become like the weird cat lady... instead of being 40 and single I am 21 and single and instead of having cats I have one (1) guinea pig.

Which leads me to my question....

I think Pearl needs a friend. Now i don't need little babies so maybe I could get her a sister. Bloggers, does this then affirm my fear of being a weird guinea pig lady?!I need some advice.... please comment with your advice.


Cheri said...

Piggies like to have friends and will do better if they have one. Be that as it means you'll have twice the poo and mess to clean up. Just make sure it really is a girl. Mistakes are easily made in piggie land.

From an experienced mother of 4 kids & 2 previous piggies.

Anonymous said...

I cannot offer you any guinea pig advice but would defer to and agree with my friend Cheri...
Although in these last few weeks I think there is way too much blogging going about poo.
poo that won't come out, poo that came out every where and now piggie poo.